Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Bluezz + Purple ...

Today is a long hard day man.. I should say everyday... This year is reali a hectic + Tedious year loz. How am i gona survive?? Super stress manz, Couldnt reali sleep well at night, even when its weekend, i wake up earli as well. Juz my auto alarm clock in my body wakes me up. But physically,I am so tired.. Hopefully things will get beta.

Juz watch e show "Xin Qing Da Dong". Its reali a damn nice and realistic show loz. Today's episode is about a mother left home 3 yrs ago and how e father manage to look after his 5 childrens. Is reali saddening loz. And guess wat? I cried throughout while watching e programme. I juz couldnt ctrl my feelings n tears juz keep rolling, even when i was sharing some tots with my ma. She says: "Ai yoh! Y u cry til so jia luck even when taliking to me?".. I dont know how to reply.. I juz feel so lucky n comfort though i am not living a luxury life,but my family members are together loz, and we dont hab to face bad financial problem. sometimes i feel tat i am reali 生在福中不知福... Always not content loz.. From now on, must learn to appreciate what is given to me, no matter good or bad.